Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We've Moved!

The Eyes on VIs blog has moved! http://blog.eyesonvis.com

Please update your bookmarks and subscriptions!

Also note that, from what I understand of the discontinuation of FTP for Blogger, commenting on this old blog will no longer function after May 1, 2010. I apologize for the inconvenience. Hopefully this kind of disruption will not happen again, as the new Eyes on VIs blog site is a WordPress installation on my on web host.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Changes to the Eyes on VIs blog

Good news! I have gotten approval to spend some of my work time on the Eyes on VIs blog, so I intend to start posting more regularly.

Now for some bad news... Blogger is discontinuing FTP support, which means I can no longer use it to author my blog (unless I go back to Blogspot hosting).

However, I view this as an opportunity to re-launch Eyes on VIs and take advantage of things that were not available when I started the blog four years ago, including the ability to mirror posts on ni.com Community.

Unfortunately, this means that I may lose some of my old content - or, at least, have to move it to an archive where it is not as accessible.

Please bear with me through the house cleaning and soon we'll have a shiny, new version of Eyes on VIs with lots of new content!